February 17, 2009 a perfect star was brought down from the heavens and placed in our arms.  We named him Lachlan.  His beautiful light brightened our days, our nights, our hearts, and our souls.

October 21, 2011 he was called back to the heavens to shine his light upon the world.

Lachlan’s light lives on in every ray of sunshine, every twinkling star, in every smile, and in every one of us.

To honor Lachlan on what would have been his third birthday, we asked for everyone who loved him to do something, anything, to make someone smile that day.  Some made phone calls to distant loved ones, bought gas for a stranger, helped someone in need, donated their time or resources…. So many wonderful stories of how they chose to let their own light shine and brighten someone’s day in honor of a shining star named Lachlan.

And so we started thinking… Why not spread his story, his love, and his light as far as we can, EVERY day, to encourage the simple act of making someone smile.  You never know how much a simple gesture can brighten someone’s day.  After all, the smallest things in life can make the biggest difference.

So,  What will YOU do to make someone smile today?

Let your light shine!

Lachlan, September 2010

Lachlan, September 2010

January 2011

4 thoughts on “”

  1. Carrie Bracewell said:

    Thank you for your story! So inspiring and touching. I will always remember it and will always now make an effort on how to make someone smile because you made me smile today. Thank you!

  2. I was just at the perimeter and they’re handing out these beautiful flowers it made my day! I lost my son but I’d never thought of anything this brilliant. I actually broke down crying because it was such a nice gesture now I have to find a way to make someone’s day as mine was made! Let your light shine bright Lachlan!

    • I met you all at the restaurant yesterday when you were celebrating God bless you and thank you to lachlans mother for speaking with me you all are amazing people and your child’s legacy will live forever

  3. I was at the mall also today. While sitting in the food court eating lunch, people were walking by with flowers and a tag on them. I thought what pretty flowers and figured it was something for Valentines. After given a flower and was told the story behind it, it broke our hearts and brought tears to our eyes. I have thought about your little shining star the rest of the day. My prayers are with you and your family.

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